FFT (Food For Thought) Whatever you are not changing you are choosing.
Hello Calvert Senecas,
As the second semester is unfolding, I want to remind parents and students that we offer a study period every Tuesday and Thursday during the third block, “WIN” period. This is an opportunity for your son or daughter to receive extra help they may need, or mentorship or guidance. This is a great opportunity for additional repetition or practice for specific courses. If the administration or teachers feel we need to ensure work is being completed in order to assist in the success in a certain class, we may mandate students to attend this period with specific teachers. Please have your son or daughter contact their teacher first and then follow up by contacting the teacher by email or set up an appointment to confirm a plan. If you have any questions please let me know.
Please take time to review student’s progress to make sure that schoolwork is being done on time and is completed to the best of their ability. Teachers have made changes to classroom expectations, classroom strategies, daily assignments, etc. based on our professional development in-service training. We want to focus on promoting interesting classroom material as well as positive work and study habits.
CCS has a lot of events going on both academically and athletically. Make sure you check the school’s live calendar on the school website (www.calvertcatholic.org) for changes - especially athletic events’ dates and times.
Upcoming Events: Ash Wednesday Mass February 17th at 1:45 pm
Book of the month: Wisdom of Wolves - Leadership Lessons from Nature
By: - Twyman Towery
Reminders for students:
- Young men need to be clean shaved.
- Belts are to be worn with uniform pants, and shirts must be tucked in.
- NO backpacks are to be used as computer bags.
- Please pick up trash around the school. Have pride in the school.
- Check ProgressBook
Don’t fit in, stand out!