Greetings, Seneca Nation,
As we embark on a new academic year, I extend many blessings to each of you. We have so much to be thankful for, but first and foremost, we are thankful for each of you who made the decision to support Calvert Catholic Schools (CCS). Your time, talent, and treasure dedication enable us to uphold our commitment to educational excellence with the foundation of our catholic teachings. CCS has welcomed several new faculty to our team this year, who share a wealth of expertise in various academic disciplines. More importantly, they chose to join the vocation of forming our learners to enhance each student's spiritual journey. To support the mentorship and growth of our faculty we have partnered with Mrs. Carolyn Price to offer spiritual, classroom management and teaching pedagogy support as our team becomes more acclimated with CCS.
Based on your feedback from last year's survey, we have enhanced different aspects of our operation. A few specific examples were increasing career/workforce initiatives, adding opportunities for student engagement, continuing to improve discipline processes, and building upon academic outcomes. CCS is pleased to add Mr. Mike Lento to our faculty, who is in his final course of a workforce credential and will teach our life skills program and provide an enhanced focus on discipline structure. Mike is dedicated to building our future leaders and equipping them with skills for future endeavors.
Lastly, we have various new endeavors for our school district and learners. We are proud to have locally sourced produce from our very own Calvert Garden at the elementary campus. Along with our growing garden, we have expanded experiential learning opportunities through our STEAM program, internship programs, and community engagement. Additionally, the current 8th-grade students now have an option for up to four (4) high school courses based on assessment outcomes, as we continue to offer many seated college courses at the CCS high school campus.
Thank you for your committed support as we continue to grow leaders in this 2024-25 academic year. Together, we will nourish an environment where our students can thrive spiritually, academically, physically, and socially. God Bless and Go Blue!
God Bless and Go Blue!
Dr. Jeremy Marinis
Head of School
Calvert Catholic Schools
A note from our Seneca Family:
“We are very excited to be here and a part of CCS. I feel that we have been able to bring enhancements to some of the procedures we already had in place and increased awareness of them, helping school safety for students and our student experience. In the badging and career planning programs, we are excited to continue to present students with real-world experiences so students leave our building with the skills to be gainfully employed or on track to secondary education with workforce experience. I look forward to this program as those experiences have led me to where I and my family are today.”
Mike Lento, Dean of Students and Head Football Coach