The Calvert students are active seekers of truth, on a journey with their classmates and teachers to infuse Christian principles with academics. As they develop an understanding of the importance between right from wrong and living it, they engage their educational processes for more successful and productive outcomes. Through the current disruptive situation, they have not been passive vessels fed information so their minds can process the data long enough to pass standardized tests. They have stayed committed, involved, excited, and open to continuing to learn. I commend the CCS students, faculty, and staff for their faithfulness and adherence to their studies.
Keeping within the Health Department guidelines, we were able to give our seniors and their families a monumental graduation ceremony celebrating their many accomplishments followed up with a parade through the community. As a class, they were awarded $1,600,000 in scholarship funds! Major senior awards included the Bishop’s Cross recipients Ashlee Shiley and Aaron Rombach. Valedictorian honors went to Zoe Meyer; and Salutatorian honors went to Devyn Warnement and Justin Ferstler. We wish our graduates great success on the path God opens to them. Our hope is that whatever call they answer as a career choice; they can serve others as they earn a living for themselves.
As the summer months begin, Calvert’s administration is committed to bringing our students safely back to school. We are developing different plans of action focused on student learning that will maximize resources and facilities for whatever future obstacles may interfere with traditional face-to-face learning. Our teachers advanced technology skills made the transition to increasing online instruction smooth and effective through this health challenge. Calvert continues to provide computers to every student for one-to-one technology instruction.
Building on the spiritual pillar of CCS, I am happy to report that Mrs. Tammy Frederick will be the Director of Spiritual Formation for CCS. She was pivotal in providing for a virtual May Crowning Prayer Service for the students and families of Calvert in closing out my first year leading the Seneca nation!
As the 2020-2021 school year fast approaches, interested families may contact Rachel at Calvert 419-447-3844, extension 104, or email her at rgriffith@calvertcatholic.org. Enrollment, scholarships, tuition assistance, and transfer requests will need to be completed either online or contact the school.
Follow us on the website (www.calvertcatholic.org) Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Stay connected to our social media platforms to keep informed about all Calvert information.
Dr. Jeremy Marinis
CCS Head of School