Calvert Catholic School is a strong and solid fixture of the Tiffin community, of its history, and is a part of the local culture. Attending a Catholic school, the students recognize the footprints of God in their daily life experience. We often say we are “Different by Design;” and through this pandemic, we have demonstrated open communication with clear plans for academic execution and delivery. We believe in proactive planning, with measured safety protocols that will be implemented for the 2020-2021 academic year. Calvert will continue to provide education infused with Christian principles for all who freely choose this alternative with classes beginning on August 20th as scheduled.
Our reopening plan is fluid and will continue to be due to changing requirements, as we continue to adjust to additional guidance and/or guidelines from our health leaders. The safety of our children continues to be our primary guide in making our decisions. We are also fully prepared to provide academic support for continuity of learning for times during the year where virtual learning may be needed.
As we move closer to the reopening date of August 20th, I want to share several changes being made to comply with the current challenges we face. The main entry for the high school and academy is now on Madison Street throughout the day to allow for temperature checks for students, staff, guests and all others, and in conformity to mandates from the Health Department. The Office of Institutional Advancement and the Board Room is now located in the former school office. Through this transformation, we are able to convert needed classroom space while professionalizing our operation. All classrooms and large group gathering areas have been designed to adhere to social distance guidelines in both buildings. At the academy and high school, we are implementing a block schedule that will limit the number of times students move through the halls during the day while maximizing a deeper and richer learning experience by providing longer class periods. The Activity Center elementary parking lot and entrance/exit drive from Washington Street have been repaved for the parents and children thanks to the generous support of Tiffin Metal. CCS is truly grateful for the community businesses and individuals who continue to help us keep the facilities and grounds safe and sound.
As of today, we are considering a phased plan for the first two days of school. Tentatively, grades 4-5 and grades 9-12 would have school on Thursday, August 20th, and grades K-3 and Grades 6-8 would have their first day of class on Friday, August 21st. On Friday, August 21st grades 4-5 and 9-12 will NOT have class. This provides the ability to introduce our new processes to the students in a more organized manner. Final plans on this concept will be conveyed to all families and staff at a later date. Preschool is scheduled to begin on Monday, August 24th. Some of the grade levels do have openings, so it’s not too late to inquire about enrollment.
During this unique and unfamiliar situation, we are engaged in a coordinated proactive approach to deliver education in a safe and measured mode. Excellence is the expectation in all aspects of our educational journey. We will be open to adjustments and willing to pivot and work together for everyone involved. Education is key to the success of our children and the continuation of enriching our communities; and Calvert will continue to proactively lead with our community. God bless and Go Blue!
Dr. Jeremy Marinis